Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Special Blog extra: "Rock Star Politics: Obama in Richmond 10/22"

Saw the Obama train roll through Richmond today. Outside, throngs of people streamed into Richmond Coliseum from all sides, as t-shirt and button hawkers lined up their goods, and a truck with pictures of aborted fetuses drove in circles, with a big sign that read "Abortion is an ObamaNation."
After brief warm-ups from Tim Kaine and Mark Warner, Obama took the podium about an hour late to thunderous applause. I took some pics from high above in the nosebleed section. My old history professor Bob Hiett was down front, and got a few words in with the superstar candidate. The speech was hard to hear due to the poor sound system, but it was mostly familiar ground from the campaign. The atmosphere was electric, unlike anything I've ever seen at political rally.

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